

Back (without band) von: Corny Held.

The song is on the CD
Songs Without Band

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Back (without band)

* * *
Watch the moon fly
White clouds pass by
Watch the flowers grow
They die in winter in the snow

And then again I want to be
back in a world I tried to flee
And then again I want to be
back where I failed to find some glee

Sing a song
With the river's song
There's nothing I belong
to and I know that sure is wrong

And then again I want to be
back in a world that's not for me
And then again I want to be
back in a world that's hating me
And then again I want to be
back in a world I had to flee

Think of you
What you'd do
How things have changed
and you've become so strage

And then again I want to be
back in a world I tried to flee
And then again I want to be
back where I failed to find some glee
And then again I want to be
back in a world that's not for me
And then again I want to be
back in a world that's hating me
And then again I want to be
back in a world I had to flee
