

Wishes von: Corny Held.

The song is on the CD

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0.88 € per song for 1-2 Songs
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9.99 € for a CD you created yourself with 12 songs



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I wish I was a mermaid
At the bottom of the sea
With all those cute young fishermen
diving after me.
I wish I could just float
I wish I could just be
And anyway nobody would believe in seeing me

Come along, let us float,
let us be free

I wish I was a phoenix
soaring in the air
With all the winds caressing me
but I don't really care.
I wish I could just rise
I wish I could just be
And then again nobody would believe in seeing me

Come along, let us glide
let us be free

I wish I was a song
in a great composer's mind
With all the people in the world
listening all the time
I wish I could just sound
A voice I want to be
And sometimes haunt them to make sure
they are not forgetting me.

Come along, do resound,
let us be free

I wish I was a clear palantir
in a wizard's hand
He would believe what I foresee
And he would be a friend.
I wish then I could show him
what is going to be
And if he did all right
he were to see what I can see

Come along, let us know,
let us be free.
