

No-one von: Alruna.

The song is on the CD
To Be Or Not To Be

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When you think there's someone who turns dirt into gold
When you think he's able to make youth out of mould
You'd better watch your feelings he will maybe want to share
Starlight clone can't be his real shape, and he might not really care
and then
there's no-one, no-one there
- no-one at all

If he fails there is no-one, there may be no-one, maybe there's no-one
that you can lean on when you fall
There's maybe no-one, he may be no-one, there ain't just noone
that you can lean on - at all

If you believe in someone all dressed up like a king
If you're dazzled by his wit, & admire his diamond ring
He could turn invisible when he ain't got nothing to wear
And his colors melt in daylight, it's good if you don't really care
He will be no more there -it's really no-one there - no-one at all

In his robe is maybe no-one, there may be no-one, in there is no-one
that you can lean on when you fall
There's maybe no-one, he may be no-one, there ain't just noone
that you can lean on - at all

When I met him first time I thought I found it all
And he promised he would come whenever I would call
Sounded good, but he didn't mean it, like all the big talkers everywhere
I'm a woman, I can feel it that he doesn't really care
And he was just another no-one
I couln't lean on, when I fall -
he was Ijust another no-one
I couln't lean on - at all
