

Where Do We Go von: Alruna.

Der Song ist auf der CD

Songclip versenden: Postkarte
Song kaufen: Kaufen
0.88 € pro Song für 1-2 Songs
0.68 € pro Song für mehr als 2 Songs
9.99 € für selbst zusammengestellte CDs mit je 12 Songs


Where Do We Go

* * *
There are fish in the water & birds in the sky
- why - why -why -
Trees in the forest and time must go by
- why - why - why

But where do we go

There is rain in the air and noone to care
- why - why - why
All the lights are blue and the memories bare
- why - why - why

But tell me: Where do we go

There is hope in the drain & love can’t swim
- why - why - why
Peace in the alley & war in the brain
- why - why - why
& mountains stand or crumble, it’ll all come again
- why - why - why

Where do we go
